Barnton Dental Spa - Edinburgh


Resorption is a naturally occurring process where the teeth ‘dissolve’ away from the adjacent teeth when placed under pressure. An example of this is when the roots of baby teeth start to disappear from the pressure of the second teeth growing through.

How can resorption affect the development of a tooth?

On rare occasions a glitch in this natural process of tooth development causes a permanent tooth to be damaged by an adjacent tooth. A damaged tooth will most often be loose, much in the same way as a baby tooth becomes loose.

How can a resorption problem be corrected?

If the issue is diagnosed early by through x-rays the problem tooth can be shifted using braces or extracted where necessary. In most cases, the damaged tooth will be lost if the abnormality is not identified early enough.

How long does the treatment take?

Each case of resorption has to be assessed on an individual basis. An orthodontist should be able to provide an estimate of procedure and cost following an initial examination.

Will it leave any permanent damage?

It is almost certain that the tooth with damaged roots will be lost.

Is treatment permanent, or will any further treatment be required?

If it is necessary to extract any damaged teeth they will then have be replaced with an implant, denture or bridge.