Barnton Dental Spa - Edinburgh

Lost Canine Guidance

As your lower jaw shifts from side to side when chewing the strong and long canines resist the resultant forces, known as lost canine guidance, meaning that your upper and lower back teeth do not come into contact.

When does this protection fail?

The upper and lower back teeth come into contact through a process known as ‘group function’. This is when tooth grinding (known as ‘bruxism’) leads to the tips of your canines becoming worn.

What happens after group function?

If you lose canine protection there is a risk of fracture to any of the back teeth that have been weakened by having fillings.

How do I regain canine protection?

The easiest way of restoring this protection is by adding white fillings (also known as composite) to the tips of worn canines. If your front teeth have been crowned the canine guidance may be formed to match the shape of your crowns.

How will my teeth look after treatment?

Following treatment, the teeth may initially feel longer but will look the same as they did prior to wear and tear. This will last for many years, but treatment can be repeated where needed. And white fillings are far cheaper than alternatives such as veneers and crowns.

What happens if it is not treated?

If wear and tear is allowed to continue there is a risk of back teeth fracturing repeatedly. Canine protected guidance will mean your back teeth will become more secure.

Is there any aftercare?

You should continue cleaning your teeth as normal, but there is no specific form of aftercare. Speak to your dentist if you are unsure about the correct procedure.